Understanding Period Phases: Your Complete Guide to the Menstrual Cycle
Your menstrual cycle consists of four distinct period phases, each playing a crucial role in your reproductive health. Understanding these phases helps you predict symptoms, plan activities, and better care for your body throughout your cycle.Quick Facts About Period PhasesAverage cycle length: 28 days
Normal range: 21-35 days
4 main phases: Menstrual, Follicular, Ovulatory, Luteal
Each phase brings unique changes and symptoms
1. Menstrual Phase (Days 1-5)
What Happens
During the menstrual phase, your uterine lining sheds, releasing period blood and tissue. Hormone levels are at their lowest during this time.Common SymptomsCramps
Lower back pain
Mood changesSelf-Care TipsUse heat therapy for cramps
Stay hydrated
Get extra rest
Consider iron-rich foods
2. Follicular Phase (Days 1-13)
What Happens
Your body releases follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), developing egg follicles as estrogen levels increase. This phase actually overlaps with your menstrual phase.Common ExperiencesIncreased energy
Better mood
Enhanced creativity
Increased mental clarityWellness TipsStart new projects
Plan social activities
Begin exercise routines
Take advantage of increased energy
3. Ovulatory Phase (Around Day 14)
What Happens
A mature egg releases from your ovary during this peak fertility window. A hormone surge triggers ovulation.Common SignsIncreased cervical mucus
Mild pelvic pain
Increased libido
Heightened energyTrack These ChangesBody temperature
Cervical mucus consistency
Energy levels
Ovulation signs
4. Luteal Phase (Days 15-28)
What Happens
After ovulation, progesterone production increases and your uterine lining thickens as your body prepares for potential pregnancy.
Common SymptomsPMS symptoms
Breast tenderness
Mood changes
Food cravingsSelf-Care FocusPractice stress management
Maintain balanced nutrition
Get adequate sleep
Engage in gentle exercise
Not medical advice. Please consult a doctor.
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